Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sleepless in LOL

After ten years of being menopausal one would think I would quit having these awful symptoms.

The worst symptoms are not being able to sleep at night and the intense hot flashes I get.

I become so exhausted during the day and by afternoon I end up falling asleep for an hour or

Although I go to bed by midnight, I usually lie there for hours tossing and turning. Then the

vicious cycle repeats itself. I go from one bed in the house to another trying to get

comfortable or cool enough to sleep. My feet can be as cold as ice, but my inner temperature

will be boiling hot. Sometimes I take a sleeping pill. It took me years to get a doctor to give me

some Ambien. The sleep doctors said I have a bad case of apnea, but the sleep machine made

me feel so claustrophobic and I knew I would not use the machine. For many months I had

restless leg syndrome. I took Mirapex for several months and that helped. Side effects could be

excessive libido or uncontrollable urges to shop or gamble. I thought the increased libido would

be interesting, but I got no side effects.

So tonight I will watch television until I feel like I cannot keep my eyes open and then I will toss

and turn for an hour or so. After I fall asleep I will suddenly awaken and feel very hungry.

I will make my way to the pantry and get a teaspoon of peanut butter. Who am I trying to fool?

I will get up and have a TABLESPOON of peanut butter and drink a bottle of water or a glass of

tomato juice and take a sleeping pill. BY four o'clock I will pass out. At six o'clock John will kiss

me goodbye and I will probably call him later and ask if I was dreaming, or did he really tell me
